The Glass is Half Full

13 thoughts on “The Glass is Half Full”

    1. It is wonderful to watch your epic adventure. Hope you get this message, because I’m challenged! your adventures make me want to go to Vietnam. Love and safe travels. Sandra


  1. Awesome stats and superlatives. So glad you guys were able to make it to Oz as part of your journey so we could help fill up the glass a little bit with you! Keep filling it up…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my gosh half way through I wish ya’ll were back seeing the list of places ya’ll are going soon is not that long but then seeing how long ya’ll are staying. I will tell you one thing I will sure miss ya’ll here. Oh in Italy make sure you try the cheese line. we met some people in costa rica who travel a lot and they said it was awesome


  3. This is awesome- what a fun way to recap and let all of us relive it with you. I see a trend among the Thailand & Vietnam… might be places we all need to go see (and enjoy the food!). Love y’all!


  4. We’ve loved following you guys on your Odyssey and showing the kids. The lists are great! Making a mental note to stay away from the Mondial Restaurant in Cambodia. Keep filling up the cup – may your second half be even better than the first…


    1. What a fantastic run down – and I thought I had slept in a lot of beds this year! Hope you have 2x as many good days on the next half of the journey.


  5. Best Superlative List ever! Enjoying following you guys and can’t wait to hear what adventure is around the corner.


  6. Can you get to Ephesus, Turkey? Amazing. I love the updates! Exciting times! We will miss seeing you this May in Athens.


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