Floundering in Florence

7 thoughts on “Floundering in Florence”

  1. As I read all these feels I am in awe. I know it’s been such an incredible life changing experience, but nothing beats the comforts of home sometimes. We miss y’all like crazy and love reading about every single adventure–the good, the bad, and the ugly. Enjoy my favorite city in the world!! Xoxo


  2. Best post yet Mitch! (and you’ve had some beauties). A little gelato, and even more Brunello, and I reckon you won’t even notice the cold shower…


  3. Don’t forget you’re entertaining and inspiring us! I’m binge reading the last weeks and am so impressed with all three of you and your great perspectives. Letting my mind wander on where a similar trip could take us! Y’all keep enjoying all the odd, awesome, challenging and magical! Can’t wait to hear some good stories in person!


  4. Traveler’s burnout is definitely a real thing and I’m happy you lost it in such a great city – much easier to come back from it in Florence than in India. When you get back to the couch this fall, you’ll have so many amazing things to remember in between watching UGA football, grilling out and laughing with your truly awed friends. High five to everyone there!


  5. Ooh, what flavor did you choose?? 🙂 You are amazing me to not have it every day with Luke! Gelato, ice cream, a milkshake – they are bound to help with traveler’s burnout, general blues, anything that ails you. Your journey has been amazing, I will forever be in awe. I don’t think I could do it. I’m glad you knocked the funk and I hope you found a hot shower. 🙂 Hugs!


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